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Become a Jimbo's Vendor
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Jimbo’s vendor!
Please conserve your valuable time as well as ours by familiarizing with and adhering to the following three principles during the
New Vendor Product Submission process.
1. Please carefully review our Ingredient Standards and our Policy on the Use of Styrofoam
The Buying Team has a streamlined process in place for new vendors to submit products for review and placement in our stores. The first step in this process is familiarization with the Jimbo’s Ingredient Standards. After you have confirmed your product(s) are in accordance and aligned with the Jimbo’s Ingredient Standards, please complete the New Vendor Product Submission form below where a line of communication with the appropriate buying team member will be established within 30 days of submission. Please refrain from contacting the Buying Team by any other means during this period. If you have any questions related to our Ingredient Standards, you may reach out to [email protected] to receive support that is specifically related to clarification of our Ingredient Standards
Policy on the Use of Styrofoam:
We are constantly striving to improve upon our Sustainability initiatives and the positive impact we aim to achieve within the industry. Starting September 1st, 2021, if we receive a vendor sample that uses Styrofoam containers and/or Styrofoam peanuts, that sample will not be reviewed, and it may be returned at the vendor’s expense.
2. Please do not send or drop off samples until they have been requested.
We receive an overwhelmingly high volume of new product submissions and are constantly striving to improve the efficiency and overall experience of the process. We have limited space to correctly store samples as well as the resources to process samples. For that reason, we appreciate your cooperation in the proper coordination of product sampling during the review process. If we receive a sample that was not requested, a confirmation of receipt will not be forthcoming. The most productive process for submitting samples is to do so at the buyer’s request and within the appropriate category review timeframe, if applicable. Again, we do not have the ability to confirm whether a sample was received by the relevant buying team member(s) if it was not requested. Additionally, please refrain from contacting in-store or corporate staff regarding receipt of samples or your submission status.
3. We will contact you.
Once you’ve successfully completed the below New Vendor Product Submission form, you will be connected with the appropriate buying team member(s) within 30 days. Again, we ask that you please conserve your valuable time as well as ours and refrain from contacting the Buying Team during this period. At the earliest opportunity to connect, your assigned buyer will communicate further directions regarding anticipated category review timelines (if applicable) and our product sampling procedure. Please understand that while we love to share in the excitement of potential new vendor partnerships, excessive follow-up inherently leads to less time that is made available to review the great products we receive.